Development of landscaping standards for green and recreational spaces

Name of Project: Development of landscaping standards for green and recreational spaces

Period of Implementation: From: (September/2023) To: (December/2024)

Donor: UNDP

Main Objectives: The objectives of this grant activity are to:

  • Enhance stakeholder capacity and improve awareness in green and recreational space management at national, sub-national and local levels of the government;
  • Develop comprehensive framework for green and sustainable urban development standards and guidelines and agree with the parliamentary committee of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources (EPNR).

Main Results: 

  • Stakeholders at national, sub-national and local levels are identified and the assessment report of their knowledge, capabilities and needs prepared;
  • Landscaping standards and a guide document for their implementation in municipalities are developed and agreed with the parliamentary committee of EPNR;
  • A comprehensive document outlining the rules and conditions for planting and caring for green plants, including phytosanitary and cutting regulations, has been developed, along with a guideline document on their use in municipalities and agreed with the parliamentary committee of EPNR;
  • Rules and conditions for green and sustainable urban development projects approval, accompanied by a guideline document for their application in municipalities are established and agreed with the parliamentary committee of EPNR;
  • On-demand support provided to municipalities in determining the suitable types of green plants, including the rules and conditions for planting, cutting, and replacing them in compliance with relevant by-law normative act within their administrative boundaries;
  • Draft of amendments to decree N255 “On the rules and conditions for issuing a construction permit and putting the building into operation” prepared.